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How to create a good RFQ for machining services

Written by Mectalent | Aug 6, 2024 9:10:44 AM

When ordering machining services, a carefully prepared request for quotation (RFQ) speeds up the process. The more detailed the RFQ, the faster we can send you a quote. In this article, we explain what information to include in a machining RFQ to ensure a smooth quoting process.

Basic information for the RQF: materials, production methods, and schedule

If your company is not already a customer of Mectalent, please include the contact details of the person responsible for the order, along with the company name, delivery address, billing address/e-invoice identifiers, business ID, and shipping contract number.

It's beneficial to describe the basic details of the product as accurately as possible. This helps us start the quotation process, giving us an understanding of what you need, how much, and on what schedule.

Regarding basic information, specify the types of materials you prefer to use and whether this is a series production or a one-time order. Will you be providing the materials, or would you like us to source them?

In the first part of the RFQ, also mention if there are specific requirements for the product group due to your industry—for example, if it’s related to medical technology or a safety-critical product.

Include the following basic information in the first part of the RFQ:

  • Contact person details
  • Company name, delivery address, billing address/e-invoice identifiers, and business ID
  • Shipping contract number
  • Schedule
  • Quantities
  • Series production or one-time production
  • Any special requirements for the product category
  • Material specifications, any special requirements, and who will source the material

Include drawings in the RQF

Drawings provide us with a detailed understanding of the requirements for manufacturing the product. It’s important for us to see the drawings during the quote preparation to determine the best methods for production and the time required.

The drawings should indicate the product's tolerances, geometry, and other details. They should also specify any surface quality requirements, such as roughness levels for different surfaces and other visual requirements. This helps us assess the necessary post-processing when preparing the quote.

The PDF version of the drawing serves as the master file. Please also include a 3D model in STEP format with the RFQ. The master file should only include the most critical dimensions, while other dimensions can be obtained from the 3D model.

The drawings should clearly indicate the following details:

  • Tolerances
  • Surface roughness
  • Surface quality and other visual requirements

Specify manufacturing requirements in the RFQ

Based on the information provided in the previous parts of the RFQ, our experts can plan the best way to manufacture your product, select appropriate methods, and design the work processes.

If there are specific requirements for the product’s manufacturing or if certain tools, methods, or processes are preferred, include these details in this section. Specific requirements might include the use of certain cutting fluids in CNC machining, specific post-processing, washing, or surface treatments. Also, mention if certain markings are needed on the products.

Manufacturing requirements may concern the following aspects:

  • Tools
  • Cutting fluids
  • Washing
  • Post-processing
  • Surface treatments
  • Markings

Specify the required documentation for the parts

We always provide the necessary documentation for machined parts to our customers. Include in your RFQ the type of documentation you need. The extent of documentation required may affect the final quotation.

Do you need the following documents, for example:

  • Material certificates
  • Measurement reports
  • Surface treatment certificates
  • Heat treatment certificates

Include packaging and delivery requirements in the RFQ

Finally, we ask that you specify any special requirements for packaging and delivery. If the packaging and delivery do not follow Mectalent’s standard process, we will include an estimate of the costs related to packaging and delivery in the quote.

Please specify the packaging and delivery requirements:

  • Any special needs for packaging
  • Delivery terms (if different from FCA)
  • Delivery schedule

Detailed RFQ helps create a competitive quote

Detailed information about the product’s material, production methods, schedule, and any special requirements helps us create an accurate and competitive quote.

Including drawings and 3D models in the RFQ is crucial as they enable us to assess the necessary machinery for part production. Additionally, clear information about the required documentation, special requirements, and packaging and delivery methods speeds up our quoting process.

If any information is missing from the RFQ, don’t worry! Our sales team will contact you to request the necessary details. We want to provide you with high-quality service and parts that meet all your requirements and expectations from the first quote.

>> Contact our sales team to discuss how we can assist with your machining needs!